Logging in each time you visit the SHAC Center allows us to gather vital data so that we can apply for grants and show our donors how many people we are serving and in what programs.
You may Scan the QR Code above with your phone, click on the link below or one of the tablets at the check-in table.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
Thank You!
Logging your time and project each time you visit the SHAC Center allows us to gather vital data so that we can show our community the sweat equity we are putting into the SHAC. Volunteer time also helps us as we apply for grants and it shows our donors and the government how many people are contributing their time and energy.
Please Scan the QR Code below with your phone or use one of the tablets at the check-in table.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
Thank You!
SHAC Center Registration & Liability Waiver
Please help us get all of our information and required forms completed electronically. This saves paper and it saves a huge amount of time by allowing you to enter your information. Completing this form also allows us to accurately store and sort our data efficiently.
This liability waiver needs to be completed once a year for each participant or family.
Please Scan the QR Code below with your phone or use one of the tablets at the check-in table. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
Thank You!
SKY HIGH Adventure Center Inc
Mailing Address: PO Box 236, Sand Lake, NY 12153 / Physical Location: 27 Lake Avenue, Averill Park, New York 12018, United States
Copyright © 2025 SKY HIGH Adventure Center Inc - All Rights Reserved.